The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6881 - November 27, 2015

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Clues Answers
Absence of difficulty EASE
African country MALAWI
Causing amusement HUMOROUS
Dissipated man ROUE
Erase (a mark) from a surface EFFACE
Expression of delight WHEE
Great delight GLEE
Highly specialised ESOTERIC
Impolite behaviour RUDENESS
Join up ENLIST
Lower part of the ear LOBE
Clues Answers
Not awake ASLEEP
One being tested EXAMINEE
Place (of an event) LOCALE
Recall to mind REMEMBER
Seashore foam SURF
Soft mud or dirt MIRE
Something in an out of date style ARCHAISM
Travelling salesmen REPS
Wave, flourish BRANDISH
Weeping CRYING
With pathways between blocks of seats AISLED