- May 5 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'___ Wiedersehen' AUF
'The Count of ___ Cristo' MONTE
'The Old Curiosity Shop' girl NELL
Acronym heralding weekend TGIF
Actress Moore DEMI
Alamogordo experiments ATESTS
Angled BENT
Atoll barrier REEF
Attached, in a way SEWNON
Barbershop request TRIM
Battleground of 1944 ANZIO
Beaks NEBS
Beatrix Potter rabbit MOPSY
Become a member ENROL
Become, finally ENDUP
Biological group GENUS
Bitter herb RUE
Bleak, in verse DREAR
BMW competitor AUDI
Brad of 'Seven Years in Tibet' PITT
Brain container SKULL
Bring to naught UNDO
Brown shade UMBER
Burst forth ERUPT
Casual talk CHAT
Caterers' coffeepots URNS
Chief city of northern Nigeria KANO
Clove hitch or sheepshank KNOT
Come together KNIT
Common aquarium fishes TETRAS
Cotton processors GINS
Daisy variety OXEYE
Dangerous gas RADON
Deceive TAKEIN
Delight GLEE
Docking fee MOORAGE
Dost observe SEEST
Dubious IFFY
Clues Answers
Dweller on the Red Sea YEMENI
E pluribus ___ UNUM
East German currency to 1990 OSTMARK
Exiled Amin IDI
Expresses disdain, in a way TUTS
French kings ROIS
God who hurls lightning bolts ZEUS
Half-moon tide NEAP
Helps out AIDS
Immature YOUNG
Intl. trade agreement GATT
Island group off Sicily LIPARI
John Lennon's widow YOKOONO
Knife wounds STABS
L.A. gang member CRIP
Lens setting FSTOP
Long-billed bird HERON
Margin filler NOTE
Marvel Comics heroes XMEN
More, in music PIU
Noah's eldest son SHEM
Not in yet ONORDER
Noted pilgrimage site LOURDES
Novelist Frances Parkinson ___ KEYES
On topic GERMANE
Poison-bearing tree UPAS
Port of Crete CANEA
Record-store purchase CDTOWER
Roll of coins ROULEAU
Timber-dressing tool ADZE
Title character in Shakespeare TIMON
Turn topsy-turvy UPEND
Vice ___ VERSA
Vietnam's capital HANOI
Wagner opera RIENZI
Without serious thought IDLY
___ acid (protein component) AMINO