- Feb 26 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''A mouse!'' EEK
''Friends'' or ''M*A*S*H'' SITUATIONCOMEDY
''Huh?'' WHAT
''My country, 'tis of __'' THEE
Accumulate AMASS
Alternate title for the puzzle ONTV
Ancient artifact RELIC
Appropriated TAKEN
Beast of burden ASS
Berate SCOLD
Biblical mountain SINAI
Blackjack player's request HITME
Bothersome task PAIN
Bothersome task HASSLE
California wine region NAPA
Canyon sound ECHO
Chops down HEWS
Coffee order LATTE
Compact-__ player DISC
Conceit EGO
D sharp alias EFLAT
Defeat soundly WHOMP
Devoured ATE
Don't __ rap (be unconcerned) CAREA
Dr. Jekyll's alias MRHYDE
Egg layer HEN
Explorer __ Polo MARCO
First-rate SUPER
Fizzles out DIES
Frequently ALOT
Friend from Spain AMIGO
Get __ of (see) ALOAD
Half-hour product pitch INFOMERCIAL
High-IQ group MENSA
Hollywood prize OSCAR
Indian caste member HINDU
Jai __ ALAI
Clues Answers
Ken Burns-style program DOCUMENTARY
Last letter ZEE
Library transaction LOAN
Light-bulb inventor EDISON
Lubricates OILS
Lucille Ball, notably REDHEAD
Mag. bosses EDS
Major tennis tourney USOPEN
Maui necklace LEI
Med. school class ANAT
Mine rocks LODES
Montana's capital HELENA
North Pole assistants ELVES
Oversize reference book ATLAS
Paper quantity SHEETS
Past the deadline LATE
Pen stroke LINE
Potato part EYE
Prefix for freeze ANTI
Prepared to play poker ANTED
Prize recipient AWARDEE
Queue before Q MNOP
Recipe amts. TSPS
Sandwich cookies OREOS
Showed again, as a film RERAN
Sight or smell SENSE
Sound part of a broadcast AUDIO
Soup utensil SPOON
Stairway part STEP
Sub's tracking device SONAR
Supply-and-demand subj. ECON
Tehran's country IRAN
Tourist magnet MECCA
Turn out to be ENDUP
Univ. near Harvard MIT
Valentine's Day symbol HEART
Wed. follower THU
Where you live HOME
Wide shoe EEE