- Apr 16 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Ditto!' SODOI
'Doctor Zhivago' director LEAN
'Fiddle-faddle!' PSHAW
'Le Morte d'Arthur' author MALORY
'Remember the ___' ALAMO
'The World According to ___' GARP
'___ Brockovich' ERIN
'___ kleine Nachtmusic' EINE
1954-77 alliance SEATO
Abandon SCRAP
About, in memos INRE
Actress MacDowell ANDIE
Amo, amas, ___ AMAT
Ancient Greek marketplace AGORA
Archer of legend TELL
Article of faith TENET
As a whole INALL
Attentive ALERT
Basilica section APSE
Betting setting VEGAS
Biblical weed TARE
Bicycle part SADDLE
Blow a gasket RAGE
Boadicea's people ICENI
Broke bread ATE
Butterfingers' exclamation OOPS
Carbonated quaff SODA
Coal seam VEIN
Common fund POOL
Compass direction WEST
Complement of socks PAIR
Conductor Klemperer OTTO
Days-old STALE
Deliverance RELEASE
Desired result GOAL
Do penance ATONE
Dough dispensers ATMS
Early Microsoft offering DOS
Electrical appliance DRIER
Clues Answers
Embassy worker ATTACHE
English county SHIRE
Execrate DETEST
Fabled racer HARE
Fall from grace SIN
Farm fodder SILAGE
Force unit DYNE
Frisky SPRY
Garlicky mayonnaise AIOLI
Geeklike NERDY
Hand holders ARMS
Heraldic fur VAIR
High spd. phone line ISDN
Household task CHORE
In a while LATER
Israeli dance HORA
Join the military ENLIST
Lake or pond MERE
Let off the hook SPARED
Like a good listener ALLEARS
Like some fans PLEATED
Mideast metropolis TELAVIV
Opera star Lily PONS
Person in a cast ACTRESS
Philistine god DAGON
Pop singer Tori AMOS
Red wines CLARETS
Relief from wrong REDRESS
Sailors' patron STELMO
Sanctified one SAINT
Sawtooth mountains SIERRAS
Secured again RETIED
Some nobles EARLS
Thurman of 'Henry & June' UMA
Tombstone brothers EARPS
Totes LUGS
___ Cong VIET
___ facto IPSO