Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Nov 29 2015

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Clues Answers
'-- lied!' SOI
'As far as I'm aware ...' TOMYKNOWLEDGE
'Bali --' HAI
'I dunno' gesture SHRUG
'Listen up!' ATTENTION
'My Country' author Abba EBAN
'Sn' element TIN
'Things go by so fast!' HOWTIMEFLIES
'We've been raking in the profit' BUSINESSISBOOMING
-- -confident SELF
-- -Mart (retail chain) WAL
-- apso LHASA
-- Schwarz (toy retailer) FAO
A third of IX III
Actor Katz OMRI
Actor Scott BAIO
Actress Peeples NIA
Actress Swenson INGA
Advance markdown PRESALE
Alley- -- (court play) OOP
Alone ONLY
Antler sporter STAG
Arch with a double curve OGEE
Arctic people INUIT
Avis rental CAR
Bad start? MAL
Become king after being a prince, say SUCCEEDTOTHETHRONE
Bitter brew ALE
Boyfriend BEAU
Bristol's river AVON
Brunched, e.g ATE
Camel kin ALPACA
Camera varieties, for short SLRS
Central part of a church NAVE
Cheese in an Italian deli ASIAGO
China's Mao -- -tung TSE
Church decrees CANONS
Composer Rorem NED
Cries of unveiling TADAS
Curiously ODDLY
Department in northern France LOIRET
Dusk-dawn linkup TIL
Erstwhile anesthetic ETHER
ET ship UFO
Fad dance of the 1960s WATUSI
Financier Onassis ARI
Flavored with a certain spice GINGERED
Floorboard sound CREAK
Former toy company TYCO
Funny Fey TINA
Giggled TEHEED
Greek letter THETA
Greek letter TAU
Harsh cleanser LYE
Help do bad ABET
High-tech 'appt. book' PDA
Hill's partner DALE
Himalayan legend YETI
Hip-hop bud DAWG
Hole-poking tool AWL
Honoraria FEES
Hornswoggle DUPE
Hound's clue ODOR
Huge, in French ENORME
Incantation opener ABRA
Intensify DEEPEN
Introduced acts, e.g EMCEED
Iris locale EYE
Juicer SOT
Kuwaiti royal EMIR
Clues Answers
Kwik-E-Mart clerk APU
Lark's home NEST
Lenya of 'Cabaret' LOTTE
Lineup 121-Down: Abbr SKED
Love-letter 'hugs' OOO
Make certain ASSURE
Manning of football ELI
Move quickly HIE
Near-eternity EON
New -- (Yanni, e.g.) AGER
Nose partition SEPTUM
Old Glory's nation USA
Old stage actress Duse ELEONORA
One of Santa's reindeer DONNER
One-sided views BIASES
Overdoing the effort TRYINGTOOHARD
Paid no heed IGNORED
Painter of melting watches DALI
Part of B&B BED
Party to a financial transaction DRAWEE
Pat of the Christian right ROBERTSON
Payload area CARGOBAY
Perm place SALON
Pertaining to INRE
Phrase just before an act is introduced WITHOUTFURTHERADO
Pianist Peter NERO
Piece for two DUET
Plentiful RIFE
Poetry Muse ERATO
Post-bender headache HANGOVER
Post-Q string RSTU
Pouchlike body part SAC
Pres. advisory gp NSC
Quirk of behavior TIC
Rail supports TIES
Requirement NEED
Ride a wave SURF
River of Bern AAR
See 102-Down PAR
Semi section CAB
Showing via the idiot box ONTV
Sierra maker GMC
Singer Glen CAMPBELL
Some Spanish paintings GOYAS
Sonata, e.g OPUS
Spanish fleet ARMADA
Spiked staff MACE
Spun tales YARNS
Star site SKY
Suffix with southeast ERN
Tallies again READDS
Thumb locale HAND
Totally up the creek INAWORLDOFTROUBLE
Uncooked RAW
Unemotional ICY
Unemotional COLD
Veer off course YAW
Vientiane's country LAOS
Vietnamese New Year TET
What Thomas became, in kid-lit REALLYUSEFULENGINE
Wily SLY
Winter drifter SNOW
Wire measure MIL
With 108-Across, of acceptable quality UPTO
Witty writer Bombeck ERMA
Worker on a housetop ROOFER
Writer of the Tony-winning musical featured in this puzzle FRANKLOESSER
Writer Seton ANYA
Yank with a #13 jersey AROD
Zippo NADA