- Nov 19 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Downton Abbey'' title LADY
A son of Jacob ASHER
Abounding in potholes RUTTY
According to PER
Amalgamation UNION
Arkansas national forest OZARK
As an alternative ELSE
Astronaut at 77 GLENN
Austen novel EMMA
Banquet ritual TOAST
Big name in foil ALCOA
Blue shade SKY
Blue shade AZURE
Bona fide TRUE
Brontë character EYRE
Builder of the first mouse XEROX
Bunk option LOWER
Clandestine COVERT
Clever turns of phrase PUNS
Come to pass ARISE
Dammed spot LAKE
Deserving WORTHY
Do away with ERASE
Doughnut-shaped TORIC
Exceeding OVER
Falls off WANES
French fashion icon DIOR
Fun run JOG
Gob's greeting AHOY
Governor Kasich's home OHIO
Green shade LIME
Grows friendly WARMS
He often batted after the Babe LOU
Hearty enjoyment ZEST
Irritated SORE
It's south of Fort Worth WACO
Knocks over AWES
License plate TAG
Clues Answers
Marathoner's challenge HILL
Market surplus GLUT
Money paid OUTGO
National Mall trees ELMS
Nodder's comment ISEE
November paraders VETS
Office imperative ASAP
Overcharges NICKS
Overexert TAX
Palindromic title MAAM
Possible X-ray follow-up CTSCAN
Quote the raven CROAK
Really enjoyed ATEUP
Really get to IRK
Rhapsodize RAVE
Rise in the West MESA
Rolaids alternative TUMS
Rubberneck GAWK
Secluded corner NOOK
Set to rest ALLAY
Shoelace alternative VELCRO
Sighed comment ALAS
Small splash PLOP
Smart-alecky PERT
Snack that bites you back SHARPPROVOLONE
Staff symbol CLEF
Symbol of servitude YOKE
Take a survey POLL
Tornado, for instance VORTEX
Totally squashed FLATASAPANCAKE
TV monitor of a sort VCHIP
Underhanded SLY
Vend vociferously HAWK
Very small margin HAIR
Wild West show accessory LASSO
Wise guy JOKER
Word in bistro names CHEZ