New York Times - Feb 13 2008

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Clues Answers
'I didn't think you'd be here ...' OHHI
'Oh, ___ Love Jesus' (hymn) HOWI
*Cote calls COOS
*Fanatics NUTS
*Salad partner SOUP
*Salon styles CUTS
*Sleep lab purchases COTS
*Takeover COUP
Aida and Norma, notably OPERAROLES
Airport org. TSA
Apprised of UPON
Astronomy's ___ cloud OORT
Backspace over text ERASE
Bad marks BLOTS
Beat (out) EDGE
Blows off steam VENTS
Buzzer on 'This Old House' POWERSAW
Cat's gripper CLAW
Charles Laughton's role in 'The Sign of the Cross' NERO
Chicago's Dan ___ Expressway RYAN
Collectors' collections HOARDS
Conclusion of 'Happy Birthday' TOYOU
Curriculum part CORE
Dandruff bit FLECK
Director's order ACTION
Dreaded prom night sight ACNE
Drink to excess TOPE
Event in 1940s-'50s headlines ATEST
Eye-popping canvases OPART
Finishes, as cartoon artwork, with 'in' INKS
From 1- to 67-Across THEWHOLESHEBANG
Graff of stage and screen ILENE
Half-and-half quantities PINTS
Hitchcock thriller ROPE
Hotel front person DESKCLERK
Increase, with 'up' REV
It might be on one's radar BLIP
It's issued by the Nippon Ginko YEN
Clues Answers
James and Jackson JESSES
Joe Jackson's '___ Really Going Out With Him?' ISSHE
Jong who wrote 'Sappho's Leap' ERICA
Kind of ladder exemplified by the answers to the seven starred clues WORD
Knickers wearer LAD
Last sign PISCES
Lawn care tool AERATOR
Like J.F.K.: Abbr. CATH
Long narrative poem EPOS
Mail at contest central ENTRIES
Mail ctr. GPO
Many a turban wearer SIKH
Monastery title FRA
Monte ___, highest point in the Pennine Alps ROSA
Norms: Abbr. STDS
Not suitable UNAPT
Paris's ___-Coeur Basilica SACRE
Particle accelerator BETATRON
Place brushed by a barber NAPE
River of Tuscany ARNO
Sassy one SNIP
Scraps for Spike ORTS
Sinuous dances HULAS
Sleek runway model? JET
Sock material ORLON
Some A.L. sluggers DHS
Some saxophones ALTOS
Sound from a frying pan SSS
Sprites in bottles? SODAS
Storm drain, e.g. SEWER
Summer side dish CORNSALAD
They're high in Manhattan RENTS
Toll rd. TPK
Twinge PANG
Velvety bloomer PANSY
Violin, viola and cello STRINGTRIO
When the stars come out in Paris NUIT
Woodcutter's tool WEDGE
___ Bator ULAN