Wall Street Journal - Nov 5 2012 - Run!

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Clues Answers
'August: Osage County' playwright Letts TRACY
'Life is ___ dream' BUTA
'That's disgusting!' UGH
50 Cent piece RAP
According to ALA
Andrew, for one APOSTLE
Animated character TOON
Appian Way traveler ROMAN
Area east of SoHo NOLITA
Banana bread shaper LOAFPAN
Baseball bat wood ASH
Big brute OGRE
Brooch part CLASP
Clockwork component GEAR
Company with a bull's-eye logo TARGET
Composer Grofe FERDE
Copier tray abbr LTR
Deal with a bloated budget PARE
Defeat decisively BURY
Do the wrong thing ERR
Doctor's advice REST
Drive along the East R FDR
Drives home BATSIN
Electricity eschewers AMISH
Flamenco cry OLE
Ford succeeded him AGNEW
Free will negator FATE
Funny fellow RIOT
General feeling AURA
Giants tackle Locklear SEAN
Gossip column offering DISH
Great Leap Forward proponent MAO
Guest in the poetry section EDGAR
Home of many Turner watercolours TATE
How some soccer games are played TOATIE
Illuminating remark APERCU
Is past? WAS
It turns in its work LATHE
Jeopardy PERIL
Clues Answers
JFK guesstimate ETA
Landlord's income RENTS
Laundry challenge GRIME
Layout measures PICAS
Like most of Russia ASIATIC
Maker of Iconia tablets ACER
Marcello Giordani, for one TENOR
Memorable lab assistant IGOR
Met moment ARIA
More upscale TONIER
Nation on the Red Sea ERITREA
On the edge of one's seat AGOG
One formerly known as prince? FROG
Prepare for print EDIT
Producing goose bumps EERIE
Putin's predecessor YELTSIN
Restaurant annoyances WAITS
Ring setting BATHTUB
Rivera of Broadway CHITA
Rosemary's portrayer MIA
Rural prefix AGRI
Sampled TASTED
Senior discounter? AGEIST
Show broadcast from 30 Rock SNL
Shrinking sea ARAL
Siege site of 1836 ALAMO
Sushi choice EEL
The New Yorker founder ROSS
The Police, e.g TRIO
Voiced ORAL
Yon lady HER
You can run it FOOTBALL
You can run it MARATHON
You can run it CAMPAIGN
You can run it REDLIGHT
You can run it TIGHTSHIP
You can run it BARTAB
You can run it ERRAND
You can run it NEWSSTORY