Canadiana - Oct 26 2015

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Clues Answers
A wee dram NIP
Alberta's Kevin ____ MARTIN
Alberta's Kevin ____ KOE
Alberta's Randy ____ FERBEY
Animal protection assn SPCA
Badlands feature MESA
Be apparent SEEM
Bowline or half hitch KNOT
Changed one's mind RENEGED
Christian youth service org YMCA
Clairvoyance, abbr ESP
Compass pt SSE
Crow calls CAWS
Diminutive finch SERIN
Ex ______ OFFICIO
Fierce STOUR
Flooring CARPET
Garbage TRASH
Golf score PAR
Gumbo OKRA
Heroic EPIC
Imperial weight unit TON
Irish Free State EIRE
Jargon ARGOT
Lalonde or Chagall MARC
Land title document DEED
Laugh, in Laval RIRE
Lawyers' concerns CASES
Lush SOT
Musical notation CLEF
Clues Answers
Newfoundland's Brad ____ GUSHUE
On the edge, in a way RACY
Ontario's Glenn ____ HOWARD
Palestinian political org PLO
Parallel ANALOG
Patriotic hymn ANTHEM
Pigmentation anomaly ALBINO
Praiseful poem ODE
Prefix denoting inner ENTO
Promontory CAPE
Remedy CURE
Saskatchewan's Pat ___ SIMMONS
Seethe TEEM
Sharpen HONE
Skater Brian ORSER
Skirt genre MIDI
Songbird LARK
Terminal FINAL
Thwarts FOILS
To be, in Bonsecours ETRE
Up and about ASTIR
Urban transit sys LRT
Wear away ERODE
Wild plum SLOE
Wood Sorrel OCA
Woodworker's tool PLANE
Wrist bones CARPI
Yeses, gruffly YEPS
____ Boot DAS