Universal - Jan 29 2008

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Clues Answers
''Arabian Nights'' creatures ROCS
''Certainly'' ABSOLUTELY
''Certainly'' BYALLMEANS
''Certainly'' UNDOUBTEDLY
''Certainly'' BUTOFCOURSE
''Filthy'' dough LUCRE
''Going ___, going ...'' ONCE
''Lamp ___ My Feet'' UNTO
''What did I tell you?'' SEE
''When I Need You'' singer Leo SAYER
1980s Ford debut TAURUS
AC output unit BTU
Adam's garden EDEN
Aussie marsupials WOMBATS
Aviator Post WILEY
Babbling waterway BROOK
Brief conflict SETTO
Bring dignity to ENNOBLE
Connected to the ear OTIC
Course listings MENU
Cousins of ospreys ERNES
Cunning GUILE
Curvy turns ESSES
Double-check the check, e.g. READD
Downtown sign NEON
Emergency worker, informally MEDIC
Erie mule SAL
Expletive coverer BLEEP
Fleur-de-___ LIS
Fond du ___, Wisconsin LAC
Get a point across? STAB
Gore and Green ALS
Gray piece ODE
Grimace inducer PAIN
Informal clothing CASUALS
It might be skipped ROPE
Kind of duck or letter DEAD
Leopold's co-conspirator LOEB
Clues Answers
Like some inaccurate watches FAST
Like some tires TUBELESS
Line of work TRADE
Liquid dynamite NITRO
Makes do (with ''out'') EKES
Maps of a kind PLATS
Miniseries start PARTI
Misjudge ERR
Newsworthy period of history ERA
Noted court name ROE
Palindromic ninny BOOB
Pigment source (Var.) OCHRE
Place to pamper oneself SPA
Play, as a guitar STRUM
Prefix for ''while'' ERST
Prenuptial party STAG
Pride sound ROAR
Referring to hip bones ILIAC
Rendezvoused MET
Saltwater swimmer SEABASS
Santa ___, Calif. ANA
Shield border ORLE
Shot with a high arc LOB
Some tides NEAPS
Some win at this cost ANY
Something to let off STEAM
Soviet news agcy. TASS
Steady BEAU
Tender to the touch SORE
Test for content ASSAY
Things for one to do? SOLOS
This puzzle's theme YESES
Tomato trouble EDEMA
Tot spot PLAYPEN
Trapper John's last name MCINTYRE
Type of radar DOPPLER
Well-balanced person? LIBRA
What a game may break ICE
___ apso LHASA