The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 27,893 - Aug 29 2015

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Clues Answers
Able to take a stretch briefly after university, one's employed in the kitchen UTENSIL
An elector undermined liberal position TOLERANCE
Arranges a best focus? Not at all! OBFUSCATES
Artist has entry cut short INGRES
Austen novel to get from office UNSEAT
Bloomer after posh car company gives scary ride ROLLERCOASTER
Caught old tennis star pocketing one keyboard CLAVIER
Dandy to get fat SWELL
Detective on public transport REBUS
Eccentric directors of stiff material CARDBOARD
Ecstasy gets a hip roue smashed EUPHORIA
Estimate on repairing starter home? MAISONETTE
Fraud from flipping computers SCAM
In support, learner left with care of plumbing item BALLCOCK
Clues Answers
Island bananas to be put on old Turkish officer's vehicle MADAGASCAR
Make electrics safe in underground shelter EARTH
Man perhaps that follows Carl in Northern city ISLE
More masculine, given second look BUTCHERS
Note sum charged in unauthorised occupation of quantity of floor space SQUAREFEET
One has a row in kitchen mostly SCULLER
Oppose rugby forwards getting cosmetic treatment FACEPACK
Original ideas from hit issue BRAINCHILDREN
Rejected love that produces pain SORE
Snack, lightly cooked -- something boring RAREBIT
The woman records trial wherein some get fleeced SHEEPSHEARING
Vacation I arrange includes ancient region of Eastern Mediterranean IONIA
Where one's tried to get round report of royals COURTCIRCULAR
Window frame made by son, with wood SASH