USA Today - Aug 12 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Addams Family" member ITT
"I mean," for one DISCOURSEMARKER
"Jabberwocky" word GYRE
"Legal" prefix PARA
"Meh" SOSO
"Well, well, well!" OHO
"___ quam videri" (North Carolina's motto) ESSE
"___ reflection . . ." UPON
100 cents, for some EURO
A Santa in California ANA
Acad. in Colorado Springs USAF
Albrecht the engraver DURER
Arabian Gulf port ADEN
Arm bone ULNA
Assembled MET
Bad day for Caesar IDES
Bagpiper, often SCOT
Balkan native SERB
Bartender's supply TONIC
Basilica part NAVE
Bell of fast food TACO
Big-eared equine ASS
Bill collector? TILL
Blackguard CUR
Boris Godunov, for one TSAR
Boxing prize BELT
Breezy AIRY
Certain birthstone OPAL
Channel for information PIPELINE
Clumsy ships TUBS
Collarbone CLAVICLE
Common Market inits EEC
Component of some old TVs CRT
Corporate department SALES
Cupid's counterpart EROS
Decline SAG
Domesticated canid DOG
En ___ (as a big group) MASSE
Clues Answers
Exterminate, Pied Piper-style DERAT
Face-to-face exam ORAL
Fancy writing implements CALLIGRAPHYPENS
Figure in subtraction MINUEND
Flightless birds RHEAS
Garden party? ADAM
Good way to stand ERECT
Gull-like bird SKUA
Hawaii island LANAI
India's first P.M NEHRU
IRS investigation AUDIT
It makes a good point PENCILSHARPENER
It may be blessed EVENT
It's spent in Mexico PESO
Kind of cuisine ETHNIC
Leave no doubt ENSURE
Made waves? OARED
Many times OFTEN
One of Oxford's colleges ORIEL
Peddle VEND
Place to roll the dice RENO
Pleasant distraction ESCAPE
Red Cross supply PLASMA
Sit through again, as a film RESEE
Small amounts, as of cream DABS
Small songbird PIPIT
Small woods COPSE
Spinnaker, e.g SAIL
Spirits that victimize sleepers INCUBI
Suffix with "land" or "moon" SCAPE
Swimming with the sharks ASEA
T-shirt mannequin TORSO
Tear apart REND
Time of "comfort and joy" YULE
Topped off a room? CEILED
Trolley tracks RAILS
Under debate ATISSUE
Wearing less BARER