USA Today - Jul 31 2015

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Clues Answers
"Blessed ___ the meek . . ." ARE
"Emergency!" at sea SOS
"So, there you are!" AHA
"___ before beauty" AGE
1965 Alabama march site SELMA
67.5 degrees, in terms of direction ENE
American symbol EAGLE
Annually YEARLY
Appaloosa abode STABLE
Avoids SHUNS
B-flat, for one KEY
Barely perceptible FAINT
Bit of body art, slangily TAT
Bottomless chasm ABYSS
Burps, technically ERUCTS
Buttressed BRACED
Census datum SEX
Challenges to duels SLAPS
Chewed and swallowed ATE
Circle segment ARC
Classical introduction? NEO
Come to terms AGREE
Common Market inits., once EEC
County in England ESSEX
Cupid, to Greeks EROS
Early Sinatra fans BOBBYSOXERS
Emulate a cobbler REHEEL
Event with thunder STORM
Farming ground SOIL
Felon's burning ambition ARSON
Florida city SARASOTA
Groups of six SESTETS
Guy awaiting cookies from the oven? CHUBBYHUBBY
Happening earlier PRIOR
Harden, as glue SET
Hardly thrilling BLAH
Hill in San Francisco NOB
Hog's slop SWILL
Hot winter drink TODDY
Clues Answers
Human souls PSYCHES
Ice cream alternative SHERBET
Immobilizes STUNS
It might run up in a bar TAB
Jason's ship ARGO
Kids' rockers HOBBYHORSES
Lavish, as accommodations LUXE
Left on the farm? HAW
Legendary boxing champion ALI
Like house beer ONTAP
London has two ENS
Make a run? SCORE
More distant FARTHER
Moving playground seat SWING
Musical interval aka augmented fourth TRITONE
Not much ABIT
Noted WWI general PERSHING
One of the bases THIRD
Opposite of everybody NOONE
Organized crime family MOB
Outlet for N.Y. bettors OTB
Prefix with "fit" or "fire" RETRO
Priestly garments ALBS
Prone to complaining WHINY
Recipient of special instruction TUTEE
River ducks TEALS
Rotten thing to pull SHABBYTRICK
Round bread roll BUN
Rounded in form SPHERAL
Shelley's eyes ORBS
Slacken ABATE
Small ornamental cases ETUIS
Sound from a nest TWEET
Sounds off RANTS
Station closing? ARY
Surgical bypass tube SHUNT
Women's ___ movement LIB
Yankee Hall-of-Famer Ford WHITEY
Yon fellow HIM