- Jan 4 2008

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Clues Answers
''A Chorus Line'' song ONE
''A Chorus Line'' song ONE
''Alas!'' AHME
''Alas!'' AHME
''Beat it!'' SCRAM
''Beat it!'' SCRAM
''Double Fantasy'' artist ONO
''Double Fantasy'' artist ONO
''Uh-uh!'' IXNAY
''Uh-uh!'' IXNAY
''Uh-uh!'' NOPE
''Uh-uh!'' NOPE
''Vaya con __'' DIOS
''Vaya con __'' DIOS
''West Side Story'' role ANITA
''West Side Story'' role ANITA
2,240 pounds LONGTON
2,240 pounds LONGTON
Academics' rГ©sumГ©s, for short CVS
Academics' rГ©sumГ©s, for short CVS
Accusative shout LIAR
Accusative shout LIAR
Actor Sharif OMAR
Actor Sharif OMAR
Additional helpings SECONDS
Additional helpings SECONDS
Affront SNUB
Affront SNUB
Ancient Assyrian city NINEVEH
Ancient Assyrian city NINEVEH
Ancient weapon SPEAR
Ancient weapon SPEAR
Are, to Pilar ESTA
Are, to Pilar ESTA
Arrange, as a sari DRAPE
Arrange, as a sari DRAPE
Arranges SETS
Arranges SETS
Author who coined ''nerd'' SEUSS
Author who coined ''nerd'' SEUSS
Battlefield ARENA
Battlefield ARENA
Be out of LACK
Be out of LACK
Black cat, to some OMEN
Black cat, to some OMEN
Black-tie event GALA
Black-tie event GALA
Bluegrass instrument BANJO
Bluegrass instrument BANJO
Boy's toy WAGON
Boy's toy WAGON
Brandy designation VSOP
Brandy designation VSOP
British noble EARL
British noble EARL
Bummer, so to speak DRAG
Bummer, so to speak DRAG
Bunyan's tool AXE
Bunyan's tool AXE
Came to AWOKE
Came to AWOKE
Cardinals' peaked caps BIRETTAS
Cardinals' peaked caps BIRETTAS
Colorado River tributary GILA
Colorado River tributary GILA
Compass letters NNE
Compass letters NNE
Complimentary FREE
Complimentary FREE
Composer Khachaturian ARAM
Composer Khachaturian ARAM
Condition STATE
Condition STATE
Contra- kin ANTI
Contra- kin ANTI
Copier need TONER
Copier need TONER
Costa del Sol city MALAGA
Costa del Sol city MALAGA
Crude shelter HUT
Crude shelter HUT
Cyber-bucks ECASH
Cyber-bucks ECASH
Dash instrument TACH
Dash instrument TACH
December temp SANTA
December temp SANTA
Diets drastically FASTS
Diets drastically FASTS
Dismiss with one's hand WAVEOFF
Dismiss with one's hand WAVEOFF
Do something about ACTON
Do something about ACTON
Dutch artist Jan van __ EYCK
Dutch artist Jan van __ EYCK
Ecologist's exhortation REUSE
Ecologist's exhortation REUSE
Expedition, for example TRIP
Expedition, for example TRIP
Former Army post in Calif. FTORD
Former Army post in Calif. FTORD
Founded (on) BASED
Founded (on) BASED
French diarist NIN
French diarist NIN
GE rival AMANA
GE rival AMANA
George Burns film OHGOD
George Burns film OHGOD
Grilling site HIBACHI
Grilling site HIBACHI
Group spirit ETHOS
Group spirit ETHOS
Groups of species GENERA
Groups of species GENERA
Gulf State citizen OMANI
Gulf State citizen OMANI
Hawaii's state bird NENE
Hawaii's state bird NENE
Hilton alternative HYATT
Hilton alternative HYATT
Hosp. employees RNS
Hosp. employees RNS
Importation charge TARIFF
Importation charge TARIFF
Ink stain BLOTCH
Ink stain BLOTCH
It's shared by identical twins DNA
It's shared by identical twins DNA
Italian wine CHIANTI
Italian wine CHIANTI
James __ Garfield ABRAM
James __ Garfield ABRAM
Kick in ADD
Kick in ADD
King, in Cannes ROI
King, in Cannes ROI
Clues Answers
Lacking scruples AMORAL
Lacking scruples AMORAL
Lays down turf SODS
Lays down turf SODS
Likes a lot, old-style ISSWEETON
Likes a lot, old-style ISSWEETON
Lobs' trajectories ARCS
Lobs' trajectories ARCS
Macbeth's title THANE
Macbeth's title THANE
Maui farewell ALOHA
Maui farewell ALOHA
Meat-loaf ingredient ONION
Meat-loaf ingredient ONION
Melville monomaniac AHAB
Melville monomaniac AHAB
MPG rater EPA
MPG rater EPA
Muddy spot STY
Muddy spot STY
Nairobi native KENYAN
Nairobi native KENYAN
Needlefish GAR
Needlefish GAR
Nordic inlet FJORD
Nordic inlet FJORD
Not natural DYED
Not natural DYED
One from Tehran IRANI
One from Tehran IRANI
One who chooses VOTER
One who chooses VOTER
Onetime Amoco competitor ESSO
Onetime Amoco competitor ESSO
Part 2 of quote MYPANTSWERESO
Part 2 of quote MYPANTSWERESO
Part 3 of quote THINI
Part 3 of quote THINI
Part 4 of quote COULDSITONA
Part 4 of quote COULDSITONA
Part 5 of quote DIMEANDKNOWIF
Part 5 of quote DIMEANDKNOWIF
PC alternative IMAC
PC alternative IMAC
Pine (for) ACHE
Pine (for) ACHE
Poker opener ANTE
Poker opener ANTE
Position of control HELM
Position of control HELM
Prego alternative RAGU
Prego alternative RAGU
President before Wilson TAFT
President before Wilson TAFT
Problematical, informally HAIRY
Problematical, informally HAIRY
Rank beginner TYRO
Rank beginner TYRO
Relax EASE
Relax EASE
Relinquish YIELD
Relinquish YIELD
Revenuers TMEN
Revenuers TMEN
Scandinavian capital OSLO
Scandinavian capital OSLO
Sculptor's tool CHISEL
Sculptor's tool CHISEL
See 98 Across TRACY
See 98 Across TRACY
Shankar music RAGA
Shankar music RAGA
Silenced, in a way OILED
Silenced, in a way OILED
Soothing stuff ALOE
Soothing stuff ALOE
Squash-eating implement SPOON
Squash-eating implement SPOON
Stout sleuth NERO
Stout sleuth NERO
Strive for AIMAT
Strive for AIMAT
Sunshine State city MIAMI
Sunshine State city MIAMI
Supplemental health insurance MEDIGAP
Supplemental health insurance MEDIGAP
Supplemented, with ''out'' EKED
Supplemented, with ''out'' EKED
Swanky POSH
Swanky POSH
Takes the odds MAKESABET
Takes the odds MAKESABET
Teen-angst cause PSAT
Teen-angst cause PSAT
Timber wolf LOBO
Timber wolf LOBO
Title for Judi Dench DAME
Title for Judi Dench DAME
Too flattering SMARMY
Too flattering SMARMY
Toward the back ASTERN
Toward the back ASTERN
Truck bottom BED
Truck bottom BED
Trumpet sound BLARE
Trumpet sound BLARE
Turkish title AGA
Turkish title AGA
Twangy NASAL
Twangy NASAL
Unforgiving RIGID
Unforgiving RIGID
Upside-down sleeper BAT
Upside-down sleeper BAT
Use a seat belt STRAPIN
Use a seat belt STRAPIN
Vacation ''souvenir'' TAN
Vacation ''souvenir'' TAN
Vacation spot SPA
Vacation spot RESORT
Vacation spot SPA
Vacation spot RESORT
Way to the top ROPETOW
Way to the top ROPETOW
What ''go'' starts with HARDG
What ''go'' starts with HARDG
Window-treatment component SLAT
Window-treatment component SLAT
Wisconsin city OSHKOSH
Wisconsin city OSHKOSH
With 128 Across, speaker of the quote SPENCER
With 128 Across, speaker of the quote SPENCER
Word form for ''straight'' ORTHO
Word form for ''straight'' ORTHO
Word on a valentine LOVE
Word on a valentine LOVE
__-cone SNO
__-cone SNO