Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jul 19 2015

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Clues Answers
'-- a Grecian Urn' ODEON
'As I see it,' to a texter IMO
'Aw, quit -- bellyachin'!' YER
'Because -- so!' ISAID
'Borstal Boy' author Brendan BEHAN
'Fresh Air' airer NPR
'I'm -- loss' ATA
'Looks great to me!' ILIKE
'No, Hans' NEIN
'Science Guy' Bill NYE
'Wow!,' in an IM OMG
'Zapped!' actor Willie AAMES
-- -car (Avis service) RENTA
-- apso (terrier) LHASA
-- Tin Tin RIN
34th prez DDE
Actor Davis OSSIE
Ad -- committee HOC
Agenda part ITEM
Aid for an asthmatic INHALANT
All nerves EDGY
Ancient calculators ABACI
Arles article DES
Army doc MEDIC
Arnaz of TV DESI
Artery-opening tube STENT
Artistic users of acid ETCHERS
As -- (usually) ARULE
Aspersions SLURS
Be inactive IDLE
Beehive, e.g HAIRDO
Big primate APE
Bill or Hillary CLINTON
Billy's bleat BAA
Brazilian soccer hero PELE
British Derby town EPSOM
Called NAMED
Charlie Chaplin's last wife OONA
Cheer up the singer of 'Galveston'? GLADDENCAMPBELL
Completely ALL
Cowboy rope RIATA
Crude stuff OIL
Cruel Roman emperor CALIGULA
Deliver a craze follower into custody? HANDOVERFADDIST
Drink in many a 58-Across ALE
Driver's 180 UIE
Drop-line link MEA
English county DEVON
Envy and lust DEADLYSINS
Era after era AEON
Farm fowls HENS
Flip through SCAN
Food grinder MOLAR
Foot coverer SOCK
Fr. woman with a halo STE
Froot Loops toucan SAM
Frozen cubes ICE
Gets ragged FRAYS
Going with the flow ADRIFT
GQ staffers EDS
Greek letters ETAS
Greek letters IOTAS
Her niece is Dorothy AUNTEM
Hopes to get WANTS
Horse riders' activity in an Asian island country? SINGAPORESADDLING
Hybrid meat BEEFALO
In arrears OWING
In line with ASPER
Insult, hip-hop-style DIS
Interstate rig SEMI
Ipanema site, briefly RIO
Kind of parrot MACAW
Clues Answers
Kooky ODD
Lack of law ANARCHY
Letters of plurals ESSES
Like -- in the face ASLAP
Linear, for short ONED
Little battery AAA
Looked at amorously EYEDUP
Luau guitar, for short UKE
Machine shop tool LATHE
Make dim, as by tears BLEAR
Many YouTube uploads VLOGS
Municipal CIVIC
Name on a mower DEERE
Nation south of Braz URU
Nero's 'I love' AMO
Nero's 'to be' ESSE
NFL announcer John acting up? MADDENBEHAVINGBADLY
Not a one NIL
Not kosher TREF
O'Hare airport code ORD
Océan filler EAU
Officer in charge of soft packing material? WADDINGCOMMANDER
Opposite of day, in Bonn NACHT
Opus finale CODA
Pay a visit to SEE
Physically fit HALE
Plaintiffs SUERS
Pooch's doc VET
Prefix with car or chic ECO
Propyl ending ENE
Prove apt for BEFIT
Pub barrel KEG
Puck, for one ELF
Raised RRs ELS
Rapper with six Grammys DRDRE
Rebuke to Brutus ETTU
Rhea's kin EMU
Rice fields whose workers love a frothy pastry filling? COCONUTCREAMPADDIES
Rock blaster AMP
Scottish boys testifying in court? LADDIESUNDEROATH
Show respect (to) DOHONOR
Sky's color, in Salerno BLU
Slim fish EEL
Slugger Griffey KEN
Sniffers in rescue operations SEARCHDOGS
Spirits in bottles GENII
Squeezes (out) EKES
Stone of film EMMA
Storybook elephant BABAR
Strikes back, say REACTS
Stud's place EAR
Suffix with joy or humor OUS
Super-small TINY
Tablecloths, e.g LINEN
Take it on the -- (escape) LAM
Teresa's city AVILA
Threw one's ordinary existence into confusion? ADDLEDANORMALLIFE
Time and -- AHALF
Turkey Day tuber YAM
Two, to José DOS
Tycoon Onassis ARI
Up in the air ALOFT
Urge to act IMPEL
Villa d'-- ESTE
Wear away ABRADE
Weed -- (lawn care brand) BGON
Weigh down LOAD
Wire, e.g SEND
With a very sharp image, for short INHD
Wrinkly citrus fruit UGLI