New York Times - Jul 14 2015

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Clues Answers
'Because, after all, / A person's a person, no matter how small' HORTONHEARSAWHO
'Gross!' UGH
'No need for introductions' WEVEMET
'Red Ned Ted and Ed in bed' HOPONPOP
'There's no other Showman / Who shows you a show with a Blindfolded Bowman!' IFIRANTHECIRCUS
'Would you eat them in a box? / Would you eat them with a fox?' GREENEGGSANDHAM
'You're glumping the pond where the Humming-Fish hummed!' THELORAX
'___ a deal!' ITS
'___ From the Madding Crowd' FAR
67-Across food HAY
Actress Thomas of TV MARLO
Aquanaut's workplace SEALAB
Author of the books quoted at 17-, 29-, 38-, 46- and 59-Across SEUSS
Awards show presider EMCEE
Be bedridden AIL
Big Blue on the stock mkt IBM
Bit of bling for the wrist BANGLE
Blank portion of a manuscript LACUNA
Brief summary PRECIS
Broadsides SLAMS
Carter-era F.B.I. sting that inspired 'American Hustle' ABSCAM
Certain breadstick dipping sauce MARINARA
Chairman with a Little Red Book MAO
Chianti, in Chianti VINO
Chicago mayor Emanuel RAHM
Clearly superior, as an opponent TOOGOOD
Close-fitting SNUG
Currently NOW
Declares to be true SAYSSO
Easily bruised thing for half the world MALEEGO
Generation ___ GAP
Get on a soapbox ORATE
Give cards to DEALIN
Globetrotter's electrical device ADAPTER
Group of fish SCHOOL
Gruesomely sensational LURID
Italian article UNA
Italian city on the Adriatic BARI
Clues Answers
Lead-in to boy or girl ATTA
Litigator's org ABA
Lusitania sinker UBOAT
Mai tai ingredient RUM
Mandlikova of tennis HANA
Many a PX customer NCO
Parisian 'your' TES
Performers of songs with confessional lyrics EMOBANDS
Phoned RANG
Posts on handrails NEWELS
Puts in a role CASTS
River to Hades STYX
Routes PATHS
Rowboat propeller OAR
S'mores marshmallow, after roasting GOO
Santa ___ winds ANA
Satyrs' quarries NYMPHS
Serving in Japanese ceremonies TEA
Shaving lotion additive ALOE
Shrek and Fiona, for two OGRES
Six of them make a fl. oz TSPS
Something driven at a campsite TENTPEG
Start of a 'Willy Wonka' song OOMPA
Steam IRE
Stick on a pub wall CUE
Subj. of Stephen King's 'The Dead Zone' ESP
Surprising conversationalist of classic TV MRED
The brainy bunch? MENSA
Try to punch HITAT
Twisty curve ESS
Twitch SPASM
U.F.O. pilots ETS
Univ. dorm supervisors RAS
Whole bunch TON
Whole bunch LOT
___ Solo of 'Star Wars' HAN
___ Spiegel (German weekly) DER
___ stick POGO