USA Today - Dec 26 2007

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Clues Answers
''Don't dele!'' STET
''Newhart'' establishment INN
Adam's arboretum EDEN
Advance in age GETON
Aleppo's here SYRIA
Art Deco icon ERTE
Becomes expert in LEARNS
Benchley classic JAWS
Bowman's wood YEW
Cattle pusher PROD
Cautious person's concerns RISKS
Cavs' org. NBA
Cogburn's was ''True'' GRIT
Connery from Scotland SEAN
Contract term HEREBY
Cryptic CODED
Dit's companion DAH
Divorce capital, once RENO
Estuary in Ballyshannon ERNE
Eye doctor's lens OPTIC
Feared winged things TSETSES
Fishhook point BARB
Gave rise to BRED
Greek getaway ISLE
Greek restaurant staple GYRO
Gujarat garb SARI
Heavenly prefix URANO
Hooky player TRUANT
In shape TRIM
It makes waves PROW
Junior maelstrom EDDY
Latest style TREND
Laughing scavenger HYENA
Like ''Lady Chatterley's Lover'' RACY
Like unwanted Xmas gifts RETD
Clues Answers
Man at your side? AIDE
Miles away AFAR
Milkmaid's serenade? MOO
Mountain lake TARN
Mr. Right, hopefully BEAU
Muffin stuff BRAN
Offshore salute AHOY
Opponent ANTI
Orate, but not off-the-cuff READ
Outback buddy MATE
Persia, today IRAN
Person with a list DEAN
Pin-held scarf ASCOT
Pisces neighbor ARIES
Places to spend happy hours? BARS
Power unit WATT
Printer's purchases INKS
Rate of speed GAIT
Refuse carrier SCOW
Rock star's accessory AMP
Rod who won seven batting titles CAREW
Rush furiously, as a river RAGE
Shenanigan LARK
Sister of Calliope ERATO
Site of the Yalta Conference, 1945 CRIMEA
Snippet for Fido ORT
Some WBA results KOS
Splice film, e.g. EDIT
Squelch SITON
Start with ''Cone'' or ''Cat'' SNO
Stevenson who lost to Ike ADLAI
Surround sound providers STEREOS
Swabby's ''Sure!'' AYE
Tarot indications OMENS
Throw around STREW
Token that passes ''Go'' IRON
Voluminous hairstyle AFRO
Where ''mama'' may come from CRIB
___ avis RARA