- Jun 16 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''All kidding __ . . .'' ASIDE
''Orange'' type of tea PEKOE
''That's what you think!'' HAH
Angelic instrument HARP
Annoying behavior MISCHIEF
Approval ASSENT
Ark builder NOAH
Attach, as a shirt button SEWON
Baking chamber OVEN
Baton Rouge sch LSU
Be patient for AWAIT
Bean-curd product TOFU
Bicker ARGUE
Brainstorm IDEA
Busybody YENTA
Car with a meter TAXI
Cast members' parts ROLES
Cereal grain OAT
Characteristic TRAIT
Come to town ARRIVE
Constructing, as a building ERECTING
Donald Trump ex IVANA
Exited LEFT
Fashionable once again RETRO
Feeling of hunger PANG
Find out about HEAROF
Footnote abbr IBID
Full collection SET
Gets weary TIRES
Heads of big cos CEOS
High wind GALE
Hill-building insect ANT
Hispanic side dish YELLOWRICE
Historical period ERA
Honking birds GEESE
Huge film screen IMAX
Inspirational slogan MOTTO
Is obligated to OWES
Clues Answers
Kid-lit elephant BABAR
Lariats LASSOS
Layer of paint COAT
Lions and leopards CATS
Nissan rival TOYOTA
Object of admiration IDOL
Older PC screens CRTS
One pointing at a target AIMER
Opera solo ARIA
Parking-meter opening SLOT
Peculiar ODD
Postpone DEFER
Rabbit relative HARE
Really love ADORE
Recommends TOUTS
Road-repair goo TAR
Schoolbook TEXT
Sci-fi visitor ALIEN
Seafood serving REDSNAPPER
Senior citizens' org AARP
Shade trees ELMS
Small child TYKE
Snake charmer's snake COBRA
Squeaking rodents MICE
Stand up ARISE
Start of many long weekends FRIDAY
Steak order TBONE
Summer clock setting in DC EDT
Sweet breakfast food BLUEBERRYMUFFIN
Sword handle HILT
Tailor's border SEAM
Tenth of a dime CENT
Tic-tac-toe win OOO
Tide of events TREND
Unaccounted-for time period GAP
Vicinity AREA
Volcanic flow LAVA
Yoked farm animals OXEN