New York Times - Jun 15 2015

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Clues Answers
'The ___ the limit' SKYS
'What'd I tell ya?!' SOTHERE
'___ questions?' ANY
Abbr. on old vitamin bottles RDA
Actress Close GLENN
After: Fr APRES
Ample, informally ENUF
Ancient Roman garments TOGAS
Ascap alternative BMI
Be wild about ADORE
Beach Boys' 'Barbara ___' ANN
Before, in poetry ERE
Biblical wise man SOLOMON
Break into tears CRY
Bring in, as a salary EARN
Broadcaster AIRER
Canadian gas station ESSO
Cheeky SAUCY
Church seating PEW
Contents of a Sunkist crate ORANGES
Corp. shuffle REORG
Cow sounds MOOS
Disney mermaid ARIEL
Document issued on June 15, 1215 MAGNACARTA
Dressed for the office, say INASUIT
Dried plums PRUNES
Environmental prefix ECO
Exams for coll.-bound kids SATS
Future perfect, for one TENSE
German prelate who was the first person to be canonized, A.D. 993 ULRIC
Google's image organizer PICASA
Groups plotting coups CABALS
He sealed the 19-Across KINGJOHN
Heart of the U.S. legal system, with roots in the 19-Across DUEPROCESS
Hockey's ___ Cup STANLEY
Home of India and Indonesia ASIA
Horace's '___ Poetica' ARS
John who wrote 'A Perfect Spy' LECARRE
Clues Answers
Justin Timberlake's boy band NSYNC
Key of Beethoven's 'Fidelio' Overture: Abbr EMAJ
Kingston Trio hit that inspired the CharlieCard for Boston commuters MTA
Mark on a steer's rear BRAND
Minimum amount LEAST
Movie critic, often RATER
Much-photographed figure outside Buckingham Palace GUARD
Not individually, in sports ASATEAM
Not windy CALM
Pacific weather phenomenon ELNINO
Peeved state SNIT
Pig sound OINK
Places where yachts are docked MARINAS
Pope who issued an annulment of the 19-Across INNOCENT
Preliminary versions of a paper DRAFTS
Prerequisite for calculus, informally TRIG
Pretty much MOSTLY
Ref. books sometimes sold with magnifying glasses OEDS
Relative of a wood engraving LINOCUT
Right away ATONCE
Right away NOW
Russian urn SAMOVAR
Ryan of 'Sleepless in Seattle' MEG
Scored 100 on ACED
Ski resort next to Snowbird ALTA
Smog-fighting govt. group EPA
Step down from a position RESIGN
Take a potshot SNIPE
The Devil, informally OLDNICK
Tie up, as a boat MOOR
Trident-shaped Greek letter PSI
Tropical grassland SAVANNA
Unhealthy ILL
Where couples get hitched ALTAR
Where the 19-Across was sealed RUNNYMEDE
Wildebeest GNU
Word repeated before 'You're dead!' BANG
World's longest river NILE