Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 19 2015

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Clues Answers
'Guinness Book' suffix EST
'No seats' SRO
'You betcha!' ANDHOW
50-Across need REED
Active one DOER
Agent SPY
Alcott book, ' Boys' JOS
As well TOO
Banjo supporter KNEE
Bassoon's cousin OBOE
Between jobs IDLE
Blood-group letters ABO
Bookkeeper (Abbr.) CPA
carotene BETA
Chart format PIE
Complacent SMUG
Court WOO
Dead heat TIE
Deep-fried recipe TEMPURA
Disposition MOOD
Dixieland music JAZZ
Dress in DON
Early bird? EGG
Entry on a team's schedule AWAYGAME
Eye shade HAZEL
Fill till full SATE
Gazing one STARER
gin fizz SLOE
Happiness JOY
Houston acronym NASA
Humiliate ABASE
Implement TOOL
Clues Answers
In the same family AKIN
Jubilation GLEE
Least bit JOT
Liking a lot INTO
Lunchtime, often NOON
Menagerie ZOO
More agile SPRYER
Motivate PROD
Neither mate NOR
On the qui vive ALERT
Peculiar ODD
Piece of work OPUS
Pollster's find TREND
Poseidon's realm SEA
Public squabble SCENE
Raw-boned person SCRAG
Right on the map? EAST
Rural buildings BARNS
Safecracker YEGG
Shamelessly bold BRASSY
Shooter ammo PEA
Smokestack output ASH
Sobbed WEPT
Spring mo APR
Supplemented, with 'out' EKED
Totally dominate OWN
Transmission to a spacecraft UPLINK
Wall St. debut IPO
Where salmon go to spawn UPSTREAM
Wine's aroma NOSE
Yank TUG