New York Times - Jun 8 2015

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Clues Answers
'Forgive me, Father, ___ have sinned' FORI
'Oh, were it not so!' ALAS
'___, crackle, pop' SNAP
(5 x 3) - (7 x 2) = ? ONE
*26-mile race MARATHON
*Drought ender RAIN
*Fe, in chemistry IRON
*Glass slipper wearer in a fairy tale CINDERELLA
*Job done with a wrecking ball DEMOLITION
*Out of juice, as a battery DEAD
*Seizure in a driveway, maybe REPO
*Valentine's Day message ILOVEYOU
2, 4, 6, 8, etc EVENS
Actress Chaplin of 'Game of Thrones' OONA
Alaskan city on the Seward Peninsula NOME
Appointed NAMED
Baby's cry WAH
Bay Area airport inits SFO
Beaver's construction DAM
Big rock concert venue ARENA
Bon Jovi's 'Livin' ___ Prayer' ONA
Brewery container VAT
Bullfight bull TORO
Cake batter ingredients RAWEGGS
Canine command SIT
City across the bay from St. Petersburg TAMPA
Coconut-flaked Girl Scout cookies SAMOAS
Container for oranges CRATE
Control the wheel STEER
Country crooner Robbins MARTY
Egyptian king of the gods AMENRA
Fait accompli DONEDEAL
Fries or coleslaw, typically SIDEORDER
Give off EMIT
Grp. of docs AMA
Half-diameters RADII
Has supper EATS
Clues Answers
Illegal substance for athletes STEROID
Incubator baby, informally PREMIE
Judd who directed 'Knocked Up' APATOW
Last Oldsmobile model ALERO
Les ___-Unis ETATS
Lose in a dice game, with 'out' CRAP
Mexican city across the border from San Diego TIJUANA
Mine, in Marseille AMOI
Nail file material EMERY
Nile snake ASP
Non-Windows computers MACS
Noted watering hole in Beverly Hills POLOLOUNGE
Old pulp reading DIMENOVELS
On the ocean ASEA
Peaceful, as the simple rural life ARCADIAN
Personal ad abbr SWM
Pill bottle contents, informally MEDS
Play ___ (feign sleep) POSSUM
Police rank: Abbr INSP
Prefix with liter MILLI
Preschooler TOT
Pricey sports car, informally JAG
Pugs and poodles DOGS
Radical '60s org SDS
Rank above midshipman: Abbr ENS
Roofing material SLATE
Roofing material TAR
Special ___ (movie budget expense) EFFECTS
Tetley product TEA
The 'L' in L.A LOS
Therefore ERGO
Tiny bit IOTA
Took part in a 53-Across RAN
Track races with legs RELAYS
Windows forerunner MSDOS
Witch trials city SALEM
Word that follows each starred answer to complete a film title MAN
x and y, on a graph AXES
___-mo replay SLO