Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 5 2015

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Clues Answers
'... finest hour' THEIR
'CSI' evidence DNA
'Farewell, Francisco' ADIOS
'Hey, you!' PSST
'Humoresque' composer DVORAK
'J'accuse' writer ZOLA
'So be it' AMEN
A billion years EON
Annoy IRK
Ar follower ESS
Automaton ROBOT
Buddy MAC
Burpee buy SEED
Casaba or Crenshaw MELON
CBS logo EYE
Cheery melodies LILTS
Commotion ADO
Compared to THAN
Crow's comment CAW
Dirty cop? HARRY
Duplicity DECEIT
Egyptian crosses ANKHS
Eldrick Woods' nickname TIGER
Engage in forensics ARGUE
Evening hour VII
Excessively TOO
Fragment PIECE
Geological time ERA
Go yachting SAIL
Gorilla APE
Grand story EPIC
Has insomnia CANTSLEEP
Has insomnia LIESAWAKE
Clues Answers
Heavy reading TOME
Hood's weapon GAT
IRS employee CPA
It's all in vein ORE
Jam ingredient? CAR
Lachrymose WEEPY
List-ending abbr ETC
Man-mouse link ORA
Mentalist Geller URI
Moving transport VAN
November birthstone TOPAZ
out a living EKE
Partner of 32-Down HAW
Pen point NIB
Pop choice COLA
Quickly APACE
See 8-Down HEM
Seek restitution SUE
Silly Putty container EGG
Six years in the Senate TERM
Skiers' mecca ASPEN
Sort ILK
Source of irritation PEEVE
Tea varieties PEKOES
To the degree NTH
Tribute in verse ODE
Visitor GUEST
Voice a view OPINE
White alternative RYE
White House nickname IKE
Wrestling win PIN
Youngster CHILD