The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,395 - May 14 2015

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Clues Answers
After sun, tanned to some extent, turned loose UNSTRAP
Appear right leaving simple point raised SEEM
Artlessness of dog going round and round CANDOUR
Boxer dog on international register PUGILIST
Cause of depression's socially acceptable for one who's overweight? DUMPLING
Could be snail trail's about to cover a pet GASTROPOD
Create icy detachment with initial change of temperature, and split HALVE
Delighted to hear how present's turned out RAPT
Discredited and died following Tyneside scandal? NEGATED
Egg producer shows way to get egg on STURGEON
Employ both midwives taking blood PHLEBOTOMY
Fashion folk wearing children's bloomers FORGETMENOTS
Felt tense about screening bug NETTLE
Final terms tail off amid tumult for a change ULTIMATUM
Hype co-ordinates general effect TOUTENSEMBLE
Clues Answers
Ignored, left out, bachelor enters, reserved to an embarrassing degree OVERBOOKED
In Miami do, ladies look for blue-eyed boy IDOL
Is a chant oddly overlooked in vocal style? SCAT
Leader is tricky chap, predominantly ill disposed at heart CALIPH
Monster bore DRAGON
Neither shower nor a drip? RAINDROP
Old artist in fifties pursuing forte -- could it be to do with naked ladies? FLORAL
Opener finally hit out over leg boundary to show authority RIGHT
Others downing beer devoured US-style spread? REALESTATE
Pop charts' role to produce such music? ORCHESTRAL
Prophesy sounds as if it could be boring AUGUR
Supple snake shedding skin LITHE
Threatening to go out grooving? GUTTERING
Wise briefly to split up and others may be carrying on endlessly ETERNAL
Work in special building run by bishops EPISCOPAL