New York Times - Apr 25 2015

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Clues Answers
'In the ___' (Nixon memoir) ARENA
'It's not my place to decide' YOURCALL
'The beacon of the wise,' per Shakespeare DOUBT
17-time All-Star of the 1960s-'80s PETEROSE
1960s-'70s band that took its name from an Aldous Huxley title THEDOORS
2000 film set in France that was nominated for five Academy Awards CHOCOLAT
Alma mater for Benjamin Netanyahu MIT
Author who created the fatalistic optometrist Billy Pilgrim VONNEGUT
Awaiting a sex change, say PREOP
Bonus round freebies on 'Wheel of Fortune' RSTLNE
Boodle LOOT
Brand name with 2/3 capital letters in its logo TAB
Capture-the-flag game STRATEGO
Chalk talk symbols XSANDOS
Checks TESTS
Cockeyed OFF
Composer György whose music was featured in Kubrick films LIGETI
Computer part PORT
Danson's role on 'Cheers' MALONE
Elks and others ORDERS
Emphatic rebuttal OHYESIDO
First name in infamy IDI
First name in Objectivism AYN
Get moving STIR
Global superpower? ATLAS
Golden age for voice acting RADIOERA
Gourmet FOODIE
Green-lit OKD
Group with the motto 'Service Above Self' ROTARY
Headgear for Eminem DORAG
Henry ___ VIII
Henry ___ FONDA
High-end fashion brand LOEWE
Internet statistic USERS
Clues Answers
Kind of bond IONIC
Leader in electronic music with multiple Grammys SKRILLEX
Leaves on the side? SALAD
Leonine : lion :: lutrine : ___ OTTER
Like some unions SAMESEX
Literary inits GBS
Mailing a letter, perhaps ERRAND
Marketing space ADUNIT
Mini, e.g CAR
Most plentiful pieces in a certain board game ETILES
Never topped UNBEATEN
Notable features of David Foster Wallace books ENDNOTES
One who may give you his heart? DONOR
Org. with many magazines NRA
Parcel ALLOT
Place for a dish ROOF
Plural suffix ITY
Possible effect of doping ROIDRAGE
Put in effort STROVE
Reckless tough guy RAMBO
Religious garment suspended from the shoulders SCAPULAR
Ring bearer TREE
Secretary of energy under Clinton PENA
Shade of red TOMATO
Sign on a saloon door GENTS
Some business casual attire KHAKIS
Sound of an arrow being shot TWANG
Space racers SOVIETS
Temporarily FORNOW
They're often blitzed SOTS
Uncomfortably tight spot, informally SWEATBOX
Unesco World Heritage Site on the Arabian Peninsula SANAA
Website with 'Ask Me Anything' interviews REDDIT
Wound up ENDED
___ Games PANAM