Irish Times (Crosaire) - Mar 23 2015

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Clues Answers
A pack of liars, rumour has it, working on 1 down STORYTELLERS
Agony aunts drop yoga - they might have picked it up on beach! SUNTAN
American criminal in the Roman chamber INCAMERA
Big cat possesses old style in a manner of speaking LOCUTION
Blow the consequences, as they're responsible for making noise SOUNDEFFECTS
Caught in front of tree in school - someone is bound to pay here! CASHDESK
Characters torn outside Irish address in the East ORIENT
Clobber an insect for example INSTANCE
Deal or move out of painful experience ORDEAL
Devised epic sale? It's unusual, but not that unusual! ESPECIAL
Father goes to Royal Shakespeare Company admitting direction is light years ahead PARSEC
Force criminal to drop out of bank job FORECLOSE
Gives one a breather in 26 across depending on how you look at it? DIAPHRAGM
Ground cover for transport exercise in middle of battles CARPET
Clues Answers
Hide worker picked up on beach by head nurse in hospital TANNER
Intimidate madman taking turn on square PSYCHOUT
Looking back, those responsible for your safety graduate with shame ABASH
MacNeice's porter running from the taps with a head of yellow cream perhaps is heard in Jamaica DUBPOETRY
Open plan arrangement for writing to one of those looking for a fight at headquarters? STAFFOFFICER
Overseas party in Germany for Molly? DANCE
Oversee church music CHAIR
Postman reads the good stuff? MANOFLETTERS
Send back the lot of it with India Pale Ale and whiskey for stag WAPITI
Sounds like something boxing promoter would do for transport RUNABOUT
The Italians make a meal of it when old Bob finds most of the Alamo intact initially SALAMI
Tom rings dupe to confuse? It's a revolting piece of work! (4,1'4) COUPDETAT
Turns up old sailor from Spain provides inspiration for poetry ERATO
Update judge imprisoning middlemen in winter RENOVATE