- Mar 22 2015

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Clues Answers
''Absolutamente'' SISI
''Agnus __'' (Mass prayer) DEI
''Bed'' and ''breakfast'' NOUNS
''Casablanca'' character ILSALUND
''Get lost!'' SCAT
''I Ching'' readers TAOISTS
''Not exactly'' SORTA
''Render __ Caesar . . .'' UNTO
''The Greatest'' boxer ALI
''Vin'' color BLANC
''You're right!'' IAGREE
Actress Witherspoon REESE
Add vitamins to ENRICH
AMA members DOCS
Anointed, as a champ CROWNED
App downloaders USERS
Appropriated TOOK
Baseball stat ATBAT
Baseball stat RBI
Basted. perhaps STITCHED
Bendy nature PLIANCY
Bingo player's buy CARD
Bistro list MENU
Bond after Connery MOORE
Call upon ASK
Carpet surface PILE
Casual pants LEVIS
Chinese cuisine HUNAN
City near Flint SAGINAW
Colander cousin SIEVE
Collide CRASH
Contented sound AAH
Cultural pursuits ARTS
Deep-__ bend (exercise) KNEE
Demeaning [five vowels in reverse order] UNCOMPLIMENTARY
Demolish RUIN
Designer Giorgio ARMANI
Diners Club rival AMEX
Engrave deeply ETCH
Entangle SNARE
Escape from EVADE
Europe/Asia separator URALS
Expunge ERASE
Fairway club IRON
Female zebras MARES
Feudal estate MANOR
Fine-tuned HONED
Flock member EWE
Frisbee shape DISC
Galileo lived there PISA
Genericized paper trademark KLEENEX
Get comfy SITBACK
Gibbon, for instance APE
Go again with REDO
Good poker hands [one of the longest one-syllable words] STRAIGHTS
Grab forcibly SEIZE
Gym surface MAT
Half-circle shape CEE
Handed over GAVE
Head honcho MRBIG
Heavy book TOME
Horizontal graph lines XAXES
Hot-dog holder BUN
Humorous COMIC
In a bi-handed manner [no repeated letters] AMBIDEXTROUSLY
Intrepid BRAVE
Italian violin virtuoso PAGANINI
Jacuzzi SPA
Jazz singer Laine CLEO
Juxtapose ABUT
Clues Answers
Langley-based org CIA
Largest Mideast city CAIRO
Launches STARTS
Lazybones IDLER
Londoner's last letter ZED
Looked narrowly PEERED
Macadamia, for instance NUTTREE
Make up (for) ATONE
Management tier EXECS
March Madness org NCAA
Melodic TONAL
Menlo Park monogram TAE
Mental picture IMAGE
Milk holder CARTON
Mr. Clean-like BALD
Nerve cell NEURON
Nose woes COLDS
Of India or Greenland [five vowels in reverse order] SUBCONTINENTAL
Olay competitor NIVEA
Opposite of ''tough course'' EASYA
Ordered out ATEIN
Oreo maker NABISCO
Orlando hoopsters MAGIC
Overture follower ACTI
Part of A/V AUDIO
Part of BYOB OWN
Pay tribute to HONOR
Peacekeeping alliance NATO
Piece of land TRACT
Playwright Simon NEIL
Porous gems OPALS
Prefix for bike MINI
Prefix for freeze ANTI
Pricey properties ESTATES
Principles of faith TENETS
Pro bono TV spot PSA
Proximity NEARNESS
Public-domain [no repeated letters] UNCOPYRIGHTABLE
Puts in place SETS
Rainbow shapes ARCS
Really long time AGES
Regally clad, in a way ERMINED
Ripken of baseball CAL
Romanian gymnast COMANECI
Rowed a boat OARED
Salt away LAYIN
Secret seekers SPIES
Seek damages SUE
Seethe STEW
Selections on tap ALES
SF clock setting PST
Smashing, in show biz SOCKO
Soak in the sun BASK
Sound of disapproval HISS
Sounded shrill [one of the longest one-syllable words] SCREECHED
Specialized markets NICHES
Star of ''House, M.D.'' LAURIE
Starts fishing CASTS
Street __ (reputation) CRED
Superstar singer Swift TAYLOR
Telegrams WIRES
Three-time Best Director Oscar winner CAPRA
Timed perfectly ONCUE
Tots' safety devices CARSEATS
Trifles (with) TOYS
Unwieldy ship HULK
Up to now ASYET
Valentine sender ADMIRER
Verdi genre OPERA
__-Xer GEN