New York Times - Nov 29 2007

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Clues Answers
'Be brave!' COURAGE
'Do ___ others ...' UNTO
'Midnight Cowboy' role RATSO
'You sure said it!' ATOTHAT
Adds to or subtracts from ADS
Alphabet trio RST
Angular opening? TRI
Bach's Brandenburgs, e.g. CONCERTI
C.I.A. forerunner OSS
Carpenter's pin DOWEL
Citizen soldiers MILITIA
City south of Delray Beach, for short BOCA
Computer once with an egg-shaped design IMAC
Consequence ENDRESULT
D, for one LOWMARK
Dr.'s order MRI
Edvard ___, Czech president and patriot BENES
Egyptian royal TUTANKHA
Factor in a hotel rating AITIES
Fall place EDEN
Filament holder STA
First name in mysteries ERLE
Follower of Max or Paul? INE
Frenzied AMOK
Graphic in a business report PIECHART
Hawaiian root TARO
Hollow DELL
Imitative MIMETIC
It ends with something found four times in this puzzle PRAYER
It meant nothing to Nero NIHIL
Italian leaders DUCES
Label of Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas' DECCA
Like favorite books, often REREAD
Mahler's 'Das Lied von der ___' ERDE
Clues Answers
Month before juin MAI
Mother ___ HEN
Old Testament book: Abbr. DEUT
Ones with cool jobs? ICEMEN
Parts of churches appropriate to this puzzle ACORNERS
Petri dish gel AGAR
Polling abbr. PCT
Prefix with spore ENDO
Primo AONE
Quick change artist? TELLER
Rare play TRIPLE
Really bizarre OUTTHERE
Reno-to-L.A. dir. SSE
Rice-A-___ RONI
Roast V.I.P.'s MCS
Roomy dress MUUMUU
Roomy dress TENT
Sales rep's assignment: Abbr. RTE
Setting for many episodes of TV's 'Gilmore Girls' YALE
Sitting spot TUSH
Smidgens IOTAS
Sounds of ambivalence ERS
Thumb locale: Abbr. MICH
Tony winner for 'Sweeney Todd,' 1979 CARIOU
Touch up, as text EDIT
Trattoria order CAMPARI
Trattoria order SCAMPI
TV news crew CAMERA
Twinkly, in a way STARLIT
Type in, as lost data REENTER
Veronica of 'Hill Street Blues' HAMEL
Where 'Thy will' will be done, in part ONEARTH
Winter Olympics event SLALOM
Wood block for holding an object steady CHOCK
Writer Rushdie SALMAN