The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6650 - March 3, 2015

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Clues Answers
(Tea) container CADDY
Aromatic herb FENNEL
Aromatic herb PARSLEY
Aromatic herb OREGANO
Aromatic herb THYME
Avoiding commitment EVASIVE
Belief in government by a chosen few ELITISM
Black gold OIL
Capital of Bulgaria SOFIA
Edwin —, subject of last book by Dickens DROOD
Fall behind LAG
Fertile spots OASES
First batsman OPENER
French porcelain centre LIMOGES
Clues Answers
Hazelnut FILBERT
Hundredth anniversary CENTENARY
Illegal incentive BRIBE
Man's name BASIL
Multiple car crash PILEUP
One with hidden store HOARDER
Plant of onion family CHIVES
Salt water BRINE
Small ornaments BRICABRAC
Supernatural creature ELF
Tell untruths LIE
Unexpected consequence SPILLOVER
Violation of a holy thing SACRILEGE