The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,737 - Feb 28 2015

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Clues Answers
Administrative unit AGENCY
Bear (constellation) URSA
Blow up ERUPT
Bushy hairstyle AFRO
Cannoneer's tool RAMROD
Coarse humour RIBALDRY
Dandy FOP
East European country UKRAINE
Food poisoning SALMONELLA
Geometry set item PROTRACTOR
Great pleasure GLEE
Greek letter; pressure unit PSI
Head of religious house PRIOR
Hit upwards SKY
Internet sales facility EBAY
Large indefinite number OODLES
Clues Answers
Marine mammal PORPOISE
Party to lawsuit LITIGANT
Perform better than OUTDO
Put into words PHRASE
Red-brown dye HENNA
Set fire to IGNITE
Shamefaced SHEEPISH
Short sleep SNOOZE
Spiced beef PASTRAMI
Study of automata ROBOTICS
Unfortunate person WRETCH
Whiskey ingredient RYE
Without difficulty EASILY