Jonesin Crosswords - Feb 24 2015

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Clues Answers
"Bravissimo!' OLE
"Free Willy" creature ORCA
"Get away, stranger!" (from a cat) HISS
"Peter Pan" role SMEE
"Riunite on ___, Riunite so nice" ICE
"Transformers" director Michael BAY
"Y" wearers ELIS
"You've Got Mail" company AOL
"___ with Lovin'" (McDonald's promo of February 2015) PAY
1963 Paul Newman movie HUD
1970s space station SKYLAB
2000s sitcom set in Texas REBA
Airline since 1948 ELAL
Apart from that ELSE
Bathroom buildup MILDEW
Bird sound CHIRP
Cavatappi and capellini PASTAS
Comb challenges TANGLES
Come from behind RALLY
Comfortably sized NOTTOOBIG
Conflicts in China OPIUMWARS
Creature surrounded by bamboo and other trees? ARBOREDPANDA
Dead heat TIE
Decide (for) OPT
Demand that someone will ORDERTO
Detach, in a way UNHOOK
Drags LUGS
Driving money TOLL
Epps of "Resurrection" OMAR
Evidence with a twist? DNA
Expert ADEPT
Extreme FAR
Feeling of insecurity ANGST
Flag thrower REF
Food advertised with the line: "Keep on Truckin'... and Snackin'"? RCRUMBCAKES
Foot holder ANKLE
Formally give up CEDE
Free-for-all MELEE
Garfield's call when Jon has fallen? ARBUCKLEDOWN
Clues Answers
Gunpowder alternative PEKOE
Harrowing DIRE
Hit the plus button ADD
Ice Bucket Challenge cause, for short ALS
Instructions part STEP
Ironman Ripken CAL
It's no asset LIABILITY
It's west of the Urals EUROPE
Knowledgeable sort GURU
Less contaminated PURER
Lightning McQueen's movie CARS
Like unmatched socks ODD
Maestro's signal CUE
Make onion rings FRY
Meadow sound BAA
Mean Amin IDI
Media packet PRESSKIT
Muddy home STY
Nonprofit's URL suffix ORG
Not often SELDOM
Poe title word PIT
Positive feedback YESES
Rejections NOS
Story TALE
Tears for Fears hit redone for "Donnie Darko" MADWORLD
The color of believing you can fly? RKELLYGREEN
Three or five, but not threeve NUMBER
Throat clearing sound AHEM
Took a chair SAT
Turgenev's turndown NYET
Turns back to 00000 RESETS
Utah city OREM
Wheat amount SHEAF
Wish you could take back RUE
Word before any U.S. state MISS
Word before Spice or Navy OLD
Worried by ALARMEDAT