The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,148 - Nov 23 2014

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Clues Answers
Aircraft company with headquarters at Wichita, Kansas CESSNA
Any of the four New Testament gospels EVANGEL
Bill --, one of the Goodies Oddie
Collaborator with an occupying force QUISLING
Departure of the Israelites from Egypt EXODUS
Dr Hastings --, 1898-1997, Malawian politician and physician BANDA
Edith --, 1858-1924, English writer NESBIT
English mystic, c1342-c1413, she is said to have lived as a recluse outside a church in East Anglia JULIANOFNORWICH
Female appointed by a testator EXECUTRIX
Followers of John Wycliffe LOLLARDS
French national day celebrated on July 14 BASTILLEDAY
French writer, 1783-1842, whose original name was Marie-Henri Beyle STENDHAL
In boxing, a holding grapple CLINCH
Informal word for one who wears trendy clothing POSER
Item of footwear; or a detective GUMSHOE
Long pointed weapon SPEAR
Clues Answers
Lower an offer for property just before signing GAZUNDER
Make alterations, correct a text EMEND
Medical word meaning to slip out of place PROLAPSE
No 3 hit for Billy Ray Cyrus in 1992 ACHYBREAKYHEART
Part played by Christopher Biggins in 'Porridge' LUKEWARM
Plant of the iris family belonging to the genus of the same name FREESIA
Professional championship for major league baseball WORLDSERIES
Reversal of direction UTURN
Richly decorated Japanese porcelain IMARI
Shania --, Canadian country singer/songwriter TWAIN
Spiky plant also known as Adam's needle YUCCA
St Francis's birthplace ASSISI
The way of the Cross VIACRUCIS
Trace from a source or origin DERIVE
Tree of the birch family HAZEL