The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,582 - Aug 30 2014

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Clues Answers
Air force unit SQUADRON
Beginning ONSET
Complicated plot WEB
Criminal enterprise RACKET
Deduce logically INFER
Delay (execution) STAY
Expert ADEPT
Give up rule ABDICATE
Guiding light; leotards (anag.) LODESTAR
Internet journal BLOG
Lather SUDS
Magistrate (slang) BEAK
One who goes naked NATURIST
Police informer NARK
Public school ETON
Clues Answers
Public vehicle BUS
Red-brown colour TERRACOTTA
Refusal to give in OBDURACY
Religious ceremony RITE
Something exciting GAS
Status -- QUO
Style of print TYPEFACE
Suspicious WARY
Swamp in Louisiana etc BAYOU
Talk incessantly YAK
Talk incessantly RABBIT
Technical skill VIRTUOSITY
Trivial quarrel SPAT
Type of lettuce COS
Violently disturbed TURBULENT
West Asian TURK