Last seen in:
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Oct 14 2021
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Nov 28 2019
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8106
- Universal - Aug 4 2018
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 20 2018
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Oct 16 2017
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Jan 10 2015
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Oct 1 2008
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Sep 19 2008
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Aug 10 2005
Related Clues:
- Walked leisurely, moseyed
- 'Walked leisurely, moseyed (6)'
- They could be a circle's directions
- I have been in no hurry to have suffered such a bloody loss
- The South was in no hurry to have fished like that
- Even having gone slowly, I'm bloody well exhausted
- I was in no hurry to have a blood transfusion
- How I'm in no hurry to have been made less bloody
- I've given a blood transfusion, but I was in no hurry about it
- Seems I have given a transfusion, but I was in no hurry about it
- Seem I was in no hurry to have given a transfusion
- One gave a transfusion, but was in no hurry about it (6)
- I was in no hurry to have given a transfusion
- Was in no hurry to have had a loss of blood, it seems
- Was in no hurry to have given a transfusion