Last seen in:
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 15,192 - Jan 16 2019
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 14,210 - Nov 24 2015
- - Nov 29 2014
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Jumbo 513 - August 18, 2012
- Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Feb 14 2010
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,482 - Sep 25 2004
Related Clues:
- Plenty, more than enough
- Plentiful, more than enough
- Plentiful, quite enough
- Sufficient, more than enough
- More than enough
- There's plenty if the South would be trying it
- When the Member is in the beer he's had penty
- That's enough this way
- It's plenty for a Member to get over the French
- Plenty to be so plump
- It's more than enough for one in Parliament to be in the drink
- Plenty of current, in short, with the French
- Quite enough for a Member to get over the French
- That will do to try if it was under the South
- A bit at large