Last seen in:
- Wall Street Journal - Jun 26 2021 - Musical Review
- Thomas Joseph - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 26 2021
- Wall Street Journal - Jun 13 2019 - PC Problems
- New York Times - May 24 2017
- New York Times - Aug 19 2016
- L.A. Times Daily - Jun 13 2013
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 13,394 - Apr 13 2013
- New York Times Classic - Apr 29 2012
- The Washington Post - Dec 18 2011
- - Apr 13 2010
Related Clues:
- The short answer about a broken leg is all a matter of degree
- Sounds as if there are no sacks on them with degrees
- How the old people get their degrees
- Sound like furze but aren't furze
- Leaves there for most of the street
- They were with the Saxons, to a certain degree
- They grow up likewise after a little tea
- You'd need them to stretch, to boot
- Uses a cast to a certain degree
- They could lead to having the Ashes at last
- To a certain degree they're not Saxon
- They'll catch one a bit back to the South
- Ancient Britons, to a degree (6)
- A bit up to the south, there may be a catch in them
- Fishermens' corners