Last seen in:
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6867 - November 11, 2015
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Feb 4 2014
- New York Times - Apr 10 2012
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 12,787 - May 5 2011
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 26,507 - Mar 23 2011
- L.A. Times Sunday - Jan 11 2009
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 12,004 - Oct 28 2008
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 11,908 - Jul 8 2008
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,366 - May 13 2004
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 10,555 - Mar 5 2004
Related Clues:
- Fish
- Smoked fish
- Smoked salmon
- Herring dish
- Cured fish
- Fatty fish
- A smoked herring
- Cured or smoked herring
- Having had a smoke, one is having a doze
- Is that what you get from smoking?
- Perhaps one is just having a doze, but that's what you get from smoking
- That's what smoking gets for you - gets you sleepy
- Is it smoking that has put one to sleep?
- That's what you get for smoking while you're asleep
- How smoking makes one sleepy