Last seen in:
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 29,524 - Nov 18 2020
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8044
- The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,243 - Sep 18 2016
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,916 - Sep 25 2015
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6513 - September 23, 2014
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,342 - Nov 22 2013
- Universal - Aug 24 2013
- Universal - Mar 19 2012
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 26,803 - Mar 2 2012
- - May 24 2011
Related Clues:
- First O, say
- -- Tac
- Writer's pain
- A facial twitch
- Spasmodic twitch
- Muscular spasm
- Twitch in anticipation
- Twitch in analytical way
- A twitch of anticipation
- Convulsion or paroxysm
- A muscular spasm
- Sudden painful tightening of a muscle
- Muscular spasm, very painful
- Sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle
- Painful muscle contraction