Clue: A shed I've built with stuff that sticks
We have 1 possible answer for the clue A shed I've built with stuff that sticks which appears 3 times in our database.
Possible Answers:
Related Clues:
- Pasty perhaps? He is in an underground club!
- Hide vase, cracked — glue provided
- Save hide disposing of something sticky
- Commercial he vies over is likely to stick
- Sticky; glue
- The man's in a club that's tacky
- Glue or cement
- Chap's in a seedy place doing some bonding
- Hide vase that's broken? Here's glue!
- Substance like glue or cement
- I've gone after ghastly shade that's tacky
- Broke vase? Hide as this type of stuff sticks!
- Admitted to a seedy club, that chap's 26
- The man's in a joint that's sticky
- Publicity she wrongly associated with Brummie's sticker