Clue: A shed I've built with stuff that sticks
We have 1 possible answer for the clue A shed I've built with stuff that sticks which appears 3 times in our database.
Possible Answers:
Related Clues:
- Tenacious ambassador's spotted in a disreputable bar
- Man's in a bad place — that's binding
- Glue, gum
- Tacky trailers I have involving male
- Man's in a place that's seedy and tacky
- Binding I have to put on broken heads
- He's in a dive and it's bound to create a sticky situation!
- A small deposit secures!
- He's stuck in a nightclub - but how?
- A small deposit secures a low-down place in which he's accommodated
- The bloke's in a den -- it's tacky
- She collapsed in a sharp fall, tending to Bond
- Tape backing
- First he's taken into dive and it's bound to create a sticky situation
- Bond -- that man's in a downward career trajectory