Last seen in:
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 30,075 - Aug 25 2022
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7762
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 28,013 - Jan 18 2016
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 167 - Aug 7 2011
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Jumbo 205 - February 24, 2007
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,952 - Mar 29 2006
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 3651 - July 25, 2005
- Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 28 2004
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,265 - Jan 16 2004
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 3176 - January 16, 2004