Last seen in:
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 28,045 - Feb 24 2016
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6034 - March 12, 2013
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 26,280 - Jun 30 2010
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 26,190 - Mar 17 2010
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 25,970 - Jul 2 2009
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 25,677 - Jul 24 2008
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4188 - April 13, 2007
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 25,270 - Apr 5 2007
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,979 - Apr 29 2006
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 23,865 - Oct 4 2002
Related Clues:
- Mark left by wound
- Mark left by the healing of injured tissue
- Mark left by a wound
- Mark left on healed tissue
- Long for, pine
- Mark left by injury
- Mark left by an injury
- Permanent mark left by a wound
- Long or pine for
- Pine, long for
- Mark left by old wound
- Mark left after a wound has healed
- Mark of a wound remaining on the skin
- Have an intense feeling of longing
- Mark from a wound left on the skin