Last seen in:
- The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise No 1865
- The Guardian - Speedy crossword No 1,456 - Sep 3 2023
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8247
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1386
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 28,906 - Nov 26 2018
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7533
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1275
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 706
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6651 - March 4, 2015
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 6651
Related Clues:
- Extract the PC in force
- Just a smidgen, a second little bite, pet
- Sample passage
- Maybe a sound bite not including Romeo on the radio inside
- Selection from a book
- The favourite's certain to win a little bit
- Peg's about to huff piece
- Piece taken from river in bar
- Cat maybe going for a song and a little info?
- Clip king in bar
- Right in, but it's taken out
- Not all the book, but about right
- Small passage runs into bar
- Bit cat or dog with legs turned up first
- Bar houses rare selection