Clue: Copper taken in by a little crawler should make check
We have 1 possible answer for the clue Copper taken in by a little crawler should make check which appears 2 times in our database.
Possible Answers:
Related Clues:
- Examine prisoner initially arrested by bluebottle, say
- Look at 'P' breaking up the sound of 'B'
- Check fly, perhaps, having caught end of zip
- A little crawler going round quietly to investigate
- Observe little change in cricket, perhaps
- Scrutinise setters in a jam (last three go first)
- Morse, or not - look into it
- Vet gets bug out of parrot's head
- Six-footer keeps quiet in survey
- Scrutinise
- Look closely at
- Examine or survey
- Look critically at
- Check for violations
- Small creature captures heart of support vet