Clue: 32 across that the get-together had taken place
We have 1 possible answer for the clue 32 across that the get-together had taken place which appears 1 time in our database.
Possible Answers:
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Related Clues:
- Gun put with explosive revolutionary collected
- Understood that place is in range
- Punished at college, girl's given detention, it's understood
- Drew gun at this stage, beginning to duck
- Comforting word penned by son of Jacob, it's assumed
- The grade (anag.)
- Understood the gun he used was revolutionary
- Understood and developed hedge art
- Gun in this place had finally been picked up
- Georgia and the Leftie got together
- Understood and tucked in
- Collected gun, the lady's limited edition
- Came together with Georgia the communist
- Get heard abroad, and understood
- Plucked rose?