Clue: It's so festive to the North in this direction
We have 1 possible answer for the clue It's so festive to the North in this direction which appears 1 time in our database.
Possible Answers:
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Related Clues:
- In that direction 'e may be a forbidding sort of person
- Does 'e get a forbidding addition in this direction?
- The festival gets to the North in this direction
- That's the way to the festival at the North
- This starts to be festive for the Orient
- That way the festival gets to the North
- In this direction it's festive with 3 down
- Back there at last it's oriental
- This way the festival of the North is behind the vessel at last
- That's the way the East is not over the bow
- This way 'e gets 19 across, perhaps
- A sea bird of the sea that's behind the boat at last
- Starts in this direction after Lent
- Sailing towards the West
- For 34 across to get to the North, don't go west