The answer STINKING has 11 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
- Foul-smelling
- Ripe cheese men found under small container
- Fetid coloured liquid entering wound
- Dreadful fools recoiling before sovereign
- Cheese pieces under flipped eggs
- Fetid eggs coming up, majesty!
- Reject eggs - family start to gag! They're rotten!
- Outrageously
- Having pain, full of fluid, obnoxious
- What a lousy turnover for the smelly monarch
Last seen in:
- The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 28,481 - Jun 25 2021
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27692
- The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 3,031 - Nov 24 2019
- The Guardian - Prize crossword No 27,974 - Nov 9 2019
- The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1317
- The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,448 - Jun 8 2017
- Irish Times (Simplex) - Jun 17 2013
- The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4194 - October 15, 2006
- - Sep 23 2006
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23351 - July 26, 2006