The answer HAPPYGOLUCKY has 14 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
- Carefree
- Without a care in the world
- Cheerfully irresponsible
- 2008 film centred on a primary school teacher, written and directed by Mike Leigh
- Carefree and pleased to leave fortune to unknown quantity
- Easy-going
- Easy-going Sunny gets green light to go to charmed gangster
- Free and easy
- Carefree? I'm surprised: brave about recurrence of old pain
- Cheerfully unworried about the future
Last seen in:
- L.A. Times Daily - May 2 2007
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 11,425 - Dec 18 2006
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 25,116 - Oct 6 2006
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 572 - March 26, 2005
- Universal - Feb 23 2005
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Jumbo 43 - May 15, 2004
- The Guardian - Quick crossword No 10,262 - Mar 27 2003
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 2476 - October 18, 2001