The answer ISRAELITE has 41 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
- Exodus participant
- Descendant of Jacob
- Hebrew dress - sari, cream
- Curious airs displayed by chosen member of ancient ethnic group
- Ancient Hebrew realities distorted
- Biblical descendant of Jacob
- One location in which British king turns to Middle Easterner
- Ancient Semitic language speaker
- Ancient Hebrew I realise needs translation, script finally nailed
- Is French high society protecting artist such as David?
Last seen in:
- The Washington Post - Jul 28 2018
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27037
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 953
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 26836
- The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 27,291 - Aug 31 2017
- The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,395 - Apr 7 2017
- The Times - Specialist - Sunday Times GK Jumbo No 013
- L.A. Times Daily - Oct 20 2015
- Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 15 2014
- The Times - Specialist - Times Literary Supplement 1019 - April 4, 2014