Answer: JUDITH
The answer JUDITH has 22 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
- Lady-killer in hospital after project embracing princess
- Book of the Apocrypha
- Stick out, keeping girl hot for another
- Legendary Jewish heroine in an apocryphal book of the same name
- Alan's frosty ex-wife, on 'Two and a Half Men'
- Apocryphal book
- Lady hit out after obscure character had been cut short
- Mannerly Martin
- - - Durham, lead singer of the Seekers
- "Ordinary People" author Guest
Last seen in:
- The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,012 - Apr 15 2012
- The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 25,464 - Oct 27 2011
- The A.V Club - Mar 10 2010
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 24191 - April 4, 2009
- L.A. Times Magazine - Jan 4 2009
- The Telegraph - GENERAL CROSSWORD NO: 792 - Jan 13 2008
- Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 11 2007
- The Telegraph - GENERAL CROSSWORD NO: 719 - Aug 20 2006
- The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 24,787 - Sep 17 2005
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,757 - Aug 13 2005