The answer GALLIVANT has 38 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
- Gad about
- Cheerfully roam, dashing to trap one skein of geese?
- Four brave guards gad about
- Four brave and noble outside go in search of adventure
- Girl left with guy -- time to go out on the town?
- Noble gets intravenous injection for stray
- Visiting Gretna, villagers recalled tour for pleasure
- Brave accepting compiler's endless run around
- Go out seeking amusement
- Nerve it takes to commandeer transport and gad about
Last seen in:
- The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 1370 - June 22, 2014
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,005 - Oct 24 2012
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 26,994 - Oct 11 2012
- The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 829 - Aug 23 2012
- The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4440 by Don Manley - July 3, 2011
- The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 1210 - May 29, 2011
- The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 25,309 - Apr 29 2011
- The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 473 - Dec 9 2010
- The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 24,786 - Aug 24 2009
- The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24297 - August 6, 2009